In order for the refraction to be performed correctly and the eyeglasses prescription to be accurate, before starting the process the temporary paralysis of adjustment must be ensured (cycloplegia).
In order for the refraction to be performed correctly and the eyeglasses prescription to be accurate, before starting the process the temporary paralysis of adjustment must be ensured (cycloplegia).
This is achieved with eye drops that paralyze the accommodation, while simultaneously dilate the iris and making easier both the retinoscopy and fundoscopy that will follow. The eye drops, their dosage and their qualities have been reported in the previous section.
It is important to inform parents that during the action of the eye drops, the child's vision will be blurred. The duration varies from person to person and is usually higher in children with light color eyes than in those with dark. Possible side effects of these eye drops include facial flushing, fever, vomiting, and changes in the child's behavior, but they are rare, especially if the prescribed dosage has been complied.