The occlusion of the lacrimal route is not the only reason that can cause increased tear secretion to a child.
The occlusion of the lacrimal route is not the only reason that can cause increased tear secretion to a child.
In fact, dacryorrhea is a rather non-specific symptom, occurring in many other conditions that affect the eye. The trichiasis (a condition in which the eyelashes are inwards and cause irritation to the cornea), foreign bodies, traumatic apoptosis of corneal epithelium, the conjunctivitis, various rare diseases of the cornea and glaucoma (serious condition, discussed in another chapter) show dacryorrhea.
All these conditions though, have special features that help distinguish them from the simple obstruction of lacrimal drainage. Moreover, if the lacrimal route is not clogged, the child's nose will "run" and at the same the child will be tearing, in contrast to occlusion, wherein we have an overflow of tears and a "dry" nose.