Diabetic eye diasease - page 23

Patients with diabetic retinopathy seem to have decreased sensitivity
on the cornea, (the clear outer layer of the eye) according to the
severity of the disease. Apoptosis of the corneal epithelium occurs
often in diabetics.
An examination called Visual Evoked Potentials, when performed on
diabetic patients even without signs of diabetic retinopathy, show
the malfunction on the optic nerves, which resembles early optic
neuropathy. Paralysis of the ophthalmic muscles is also possible, as
diabetes may cause damage on the microcirculation that nourishes
the cranial nerves which innervate the Extraocular muscles.
Quite often a patient discovers that they are diabetic after the
occurrence of diplopia (double vision).
Other Manifestations of Diabetic
Cataract Surgery on Patients with
Diabetic Retinopathy
Studies like the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study, show
improvement of vision on patients that had cataract surgery, after
signs of diabetic retinopathy. There are though indications that
cataract removal speeds up the development of the disease, as well
as other diseases of the retina.
Patients with evident diabetic retinopathy, that are about to be
operated for cataract, must be treated with extra care from the
doctor and the clinic that will treat him. Severe diabetic retinopathy
must be treated first, or another option is the simultaneous procedure
of vitrectomy and cataract removal.
The lens of the eye is
surrounded by a bag
called the capsula bag
Posterior Capsular
This is an opacity in the
posterior segment of the
lens capsule usually seen in
diabetic patients, and patients
who take longstanding
cortisone treatment.
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