Cortisone type drugs are used to treat diabetic edema with very
good results.
The action is both anti-inflammatory, and the ability to hinder the
action of VEGF (the hormone that promotes neovascularization and
causes edema).
In the initial stage of corticosteroid therapy there seems to be a
better improvement of visual acuity by the patient, compared with
laser treatment, but in the long-run this is not the case.
Although steroids are very effective drugs, they might cause serious
side-effects such as early cataract formation (that is why best
candidates for therapy are patients that have been already operated
for cataract). They can also cause high intraocular pressure resulting
in glaucoma. The doctor must be ready for all these side-effects.
The administration of the drug can be transeptal (around the eye
essentially) periodically (every 6 weeks) or with a small implant that
is placed inside the eye and administers the medicine gradually over
a long period of time. Such an implant is Ozurdex, which lasts about
6 months and Iluvein that lasts 3-4 years.
Comparison between the thermal effect on the retina by using
conventional continuous laser and a micro pulse laser.
The continuous
use has an additive effect causing a raising temperature in the tissues.
Contrary the pauses between the pulses of the micro pulsar laser give
the opportunity to the retina to cool down, avoiding the unwanted
thermal effect.
Standard Laser
Micropulse Laser