Diabetic eye diasease - page 10

The American Academy of Ophthalmology suggests that diabetic
patients with no retinal findings in their first visit should be
examined once every year. Patients with findings of mild to medium
background diabetic retinopathy should be examined every 6 to 9
months. Finally, patients with severe signs should be examined every
three months.
If the disease becomes proliferative, the check has to be done more
frequently, maybe every two months. Pregnant women with Diabetic
retinopathy should also be examined every three months due to the
rapid progression of the disease that is often seen in these cases.
Fundus examination is ideally performed after the installation
of dilating drops. Thus the ophthalmologists can examine a much larger
area of the retina than if the pupil is constricted. The patient might feel a
blurriness of vision and a raised sensitivity to light for a few hours until the
effect of the drops diminish.
How often do we need to check
a diabetic patient?
Modern technology is equipped with many examination methods for
the early diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy, as well as the monitoring
of its course and the response to therapy.
Athens Eye Hospital
is equipped with the latest diagnostic
equipment that are available worldwide.
Examination tests for the diagnosis
and monitoring of diabetic
Fundoscopy without dilation
Fundoscopy with dilation
lamp, before the instillation of dilating drops in order to check for
possible neovascularization on the iris. Under dilation, a full fundus
examination and lastly a check in intra-ocular pressure follows.
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