Diabetic eye diasease - page 11

This is a highly sophisticated method for photographing the fundus,
where the retina is illuminated with a special laser beam and not with
a flash as in a conventional camera.
This is a special photographic technique for examining the blood
flow in the fundus of the eye. Prior to the examination, a special dye
called “fluorescein” is injected through a vein in the arm.
It is probably the most important diagnostic method for the
evaluation of the blood vessels in the retina, thus monitoring diabetic
retinopathy. Areas of leakage can be recognized, and the extent of
the disease can be identified. Additionally, hemorrhages that can
lead to loss of vision can be seen, as well as areas of ischemia, where
neovascularization can occur.
Athens Eye Hospital
is equipped with the most sophisticated and
up to date photographic equipment, such as the SPECTRALIS HRA,
which takes advantage of a special laser for even more detailed and
in depth imaging.
Confocal Scanning Laser
Opthalmoscopy (cSLO)
Fluorescein Angiography
The images have significantly better sharpness, without reflections
or distortions, offering better diagnostic value. Moreover, the patient
does not feel the discomfort caused by the strong sudden light from
flash photography
ordinary camera
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