Diabetic eye diasease - page 19

The two ways of administering corticosteroids for the treatment of
diabetic edema
Intravitreal administration with a syringe. Requires repeat doses.
Installing a vitreous stent that guaranties gradual release of the drug
for a long time.
Surgical treatment entails the removal of the vitreous from the eye
cavity and the replacement with aqueous, a procedure called pars
plana vitrectomy. It is usually performed under local anesthesia as an
outpatient procedure.
In diabetic retinopathy the purpose of vitrectomy is both
therapeutic and preventative.
If the proliferating (with new vessels) form of the disease leads to
hemorrhage and obstruction of vision, the surgeon during vitrectomy
will remove the blood. In such cases, surgery must be performed
immediately and must be followed by Panretinal Photocoagulation
(PRP), as to prevent a new hemorrhage, and to improve the blood
perfusion in the area of the macula (which is responsible for central
sharp vision). Even before an Intravitreal hemorrhage occurs, the
surgical removal of the vitreous greatly reduces the danger of a
contraction of fragile new vessels, and thus of hemorrhage.
Finally, the danger of tractional retinal detachment is minimized. This
is a very serious complication and very difficult to tackle.
Surgical Treatment
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