Diabetic eye diasease - page 6

3-dimentional depiction of serious edema in the area of the macula
Clinically significant macula edema in a serious case of non-proliferative
diabetic retinopathy.
One can see the edema (within the circle)
microaneurisms and microhemorrhaging (green arrows) hard exudates
(blue arrow) and cotton wool spots (purple arrows).
3D Reproduction by NIKOLAOS PAPAZOGLOU M.D. © 2015
Clinically Significant Macula Edema is a condition that can potential-
ly endanger a patient’s vision. In certain advanced cases the edema
can form cysts, hence the term Cystoid Macula Edema.
In more serious cases of Background Diabetic Retinopathy (BDR)
where the oxygen that reaches the retina is not sufficient, ischemia
starts to appear taking the forms of cotton wool spots and intrareti-
nal microvascular abnormalities (IRMA).
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