Glaucoma and the pressure within the eye - page 12

As already mentioned, vision that has been lost due to glaucoma
is irreversible. Considering that glaucoma is a progressive disease,
treatment must commence immediately as soon as it is diagnosed.
The therapeutic approach for glaucoma primarily aims at lowering
intraocular pressure. This can be done either by medication, laser, or
surgical intervention.
Treating glaucoma
The new digital photography techniques allow an exact three-
dimensional portrayal of the optic disc. Consequently the anatomical
changes in glaucoma can be studied more precisely than with a simple
These photographs are kept in a patient’s files for future reference.
3D photography of the
optic disc
patients that have or are in danger of developing glaucoma.
Moreover, patients that already suffer from glaucoma can be
monitored over time for the development of the disease and the
effectiveness of the treatment.
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