Glaucoma and the pressure within the eye - page 15

If the use of medication or laser does not satisfactorily control pres-
sure levels, then the ophthalmologist must consider surgical inter-
The traditional surgical treatment for glaucoma (trabeculectomy) is
performed under local anesthetic and its aim is to produce a perma-
nent gateway for the removal of aqueous.
Although it is the most
surgical procedure, its
complications are not
rare and in time it tends
to lose its effectiveness.
The term MIGS (“Mini-
mal Invasive Glaucoma
Surgery”) describes the
latest and safer surgical
treatments to control
intraocular pressure lev-
els, like:
• Trabectomy uses electric pulses to increase the functionality of
the eyes’ drainage
• Endocyclophotocoaulation (ECP) where -with the help of a
microscopic camera and a special laser- the cells that produce
aqueous in the ciliary body are cauterized, thus reducing its
• Placement of iStents (microscopic bypass systems made from
titanium, 1mm in length, that generate a permanent route for the
drainage of aqueous).
Surgical treatment of
Surgically-induced opening and creation
of a new drainage pathway for aqueous
New exit for
aqueous after
Laser treatment
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