Cataracts and the most up to date treatments - page 2

The term cataract is used for any opacity of the crystalline lens inside
the eye.
The crystalline lens is situated behind the iris (the colored part of the
eye) inside a clear sack which is called the lens capsule.
From a surgeon’s view, it is of no importance how significant the
opacity is, or if it takes up the whole of the lens or certain segments.
What is a cataract?
Cataract is caused by the opacification of the lens which is behind
the iris.
The cataract operation is
considered one of the most
common surgical opera-
tions in medicine and if all
precautions are met one of
the safest.
There are though certain
critical details which can
make the difference be-
tween a satisfactory and a
perfect result. Athens Eye
Hospital treats every pa-
tient as an individual case and adapts the cataract opperation
to the specific needs in each case with the input from all the
hospital departments.
We are a reference center for cataract removal with the high-
est percentage of success and patient satisfaction.
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