Cataracts and the most up to date treatments - page 4

Other symptoms described depend on the type of cataract, and also
on the refractive status (myopia, hypermetropia) before the onset of
cataract. The hardness of the nucleus of the lens can cause myopic
shifts in the patient’s refraction, increasing myopia in myopes and
decreasing hypermetropia in hypermetropes.
In certain patients thismyopic shift produces a temporal improvement
in near vision, which pleases certain patients. Gradually though the
blurriness will increase and the patient’s vision will deteriorate.
Symptoms of cataract formationdonot always appear simultaneously
in both eyes. Usually one eye will have worse vision, and thus
needs to be addressed first. Some
patients with cataract mention to
their doctor that they see double,
and that diplopia persists, even
when they cover one of their eyes.
Therefore it is not true –binocular-
diplopia, but monocular diplopia
arising from a second ghost
image, which is produced from the
abnormal cataract morphology.
Opacification of the lens (cataract) causes blurriness of vision with a
reduction of brightness, contrast sensitivity and vibrancy of colors.
At night the condition is even more disturbing with the appearance of
halos around the light source.
Cataract can cause double
images in certain patients.
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