Cataracts and the most up to date treatments - page 8

Toric IOLs
are also Monofocal lenses and are addressed for patients
who have not only myopia or hypermetropia, but also significant
astigmatism (more than 1.5 diopters).
AN important difference with the simple Monofocal lenses, is
that these lenses need special handling by the surgeon for its
Illustration A:
Single focal lens .The rotation around the axis does not
affect the optic result.
Illustration B:
Toric lens. Requires accurate
placement. Even a tiny misalignment from the correct angle can distort
significantly the visual results.
In contrast with Monofocal lenses, toric lenses have different
refractive power in different axes in order to neutralize the corneal
astigmatism. That is why special care must be taken in installing,
because a very small misalignment of a few degrees can result in
blurry vision.
Aspherical IOLs
constitute an advancement over the Monofocal
lenses. While the surfaces of traditional monofocal lenses are
uniformly spherical, the surfaces of aspheric IOLs have their body
flatter in the periphery.
This special design results in better contrast sensitivity and fewer
aberrations, which practically means even better quality of vision
Aspheric intraocular lenses offer better resolution and contrast sensitivity
compared with the traditional lenses (spherical)
Photograph of the beautiful beach of Petanous, (Cephalonia)
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