in cases where the anterior capsule has reduced strength as for
example the pseudoexfoliation syndrome.
With the femtosecond laser this step is also automated, creating a
perfectly circular and centered capsulorhexis time after time.
The opportunity to use premium lenses i.e. multifocal intraocular
lenses that offer clear vision at all distances, is another great
advantage of using femtosecond laser.
While conventional IOLs are set to focus on a single distance (long,
short or intermediate), the newest designed lenses allows the eye to
focus in all distances without the use of additional spectacles.
These lenses require absolute precision in their placement,
something that is extremely difficult to achieve by hand. The initial
fragmenting of the lens into 4 pieces is another stage that can be
performed by the femtosecond laser. In conventional surgery, the
initial fragmenting is done with the use of the ultrasound probe that
is held by the surgeon. At this stage complications may also occur
from incorrect handling that may influence the outcome of surgery.
The accuracy of the femtosecond laser helps to reduce manual
Comparing the opening of the surface of the anterior capsule
after cataract extraction.
LEFT: Capsulorhexis by hand. Although the surgeon has
vast experience, the result is not completely circular and the
position is not perfectly central.
RIGHT: Capsulorhexis with the use of Femtosecond Laser.
The Capsulorhexis is in an ideal central position and is totally