Cataracts and the most up to date treatments - page 15

The use of laser fully automates with unmatched accuracy 3 out
of the 6 stages of surgery. In conventional surgery the creation of
two corneal incisions is done manually by using two special surgical
knives. Obviously, the success of this crucial first stage depends
solely on the experience and the skill of the surgeon. In contrast, the
femtosecond laser turns this step bladeless, and the incisions are
performed automatically by the laser in seconds.
The shape or opening of the main insertion (which ideally should
form a valve mechanism and prevent any outflow of fluid from
the eye) may be too wide when operated by an inexperienced
surgeon with the surgical blade. In this case, it may remain open
after surgery, allowing fluid leakage and the entrance of bacteria
that can even cause endophthalmitis, a severe complication with
disastrous consequences for the eye. With the use of femtosecond
laser, watertight incisions are guaranteed, and healing is rapid, which
is instrumental in avoiding these complications.
The second stage of the operation consists of creating a sizable
circular opening in the center of the anterior lens capsule. In
conventional surgery the opening begins with a small tear in the
capsule and then carefully pulling the torn capsule 360 degrees until
it forms a complete circle. As expected, the capsulorhexis which
is performed manually is rarely perfect, just as we cannot draw a
perfect circle in a notebook with a pen.
In addition there is always the risk of a capsulorhexis tearing outwards
when pulling with the forceps, which hampers the continuation of
the surgery and compromises the final outcome. This often occurs
What are the advantages of
using femtosecond laser in
cataract surgery?
substantial application of laser surgery is that with the femtosecond
laser that was approved by the FDA (the US Food and Drug
Administration) in 2012. No public hospital in Greece has till now this
technology for cataract surgery, and judging by the very high costs
for the acquisition of such equipment, it is not foreseen in the near
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