Athens Eye Hospital
features two laser systems out of the four
that are that currently available. The aim is to tailor each cataract op-
eration to the patient and their needs. The CATALYS precision Laser
System by Abbot Medical Optics is the most contemporary example
of femtosecond laser technology. Within a few seconds it performs
the three crucial sections of the surgery, painlessly and without the
slightest discomfort to the patient.
Similar features are
displayed with the
LenSx Laser System
by Alcon.
A third femtosec-
ond laser system
femtosecond laser by
Alcon is already in-
cluded in the equip-
ment of the hospital
and is used in refrac-
tive surgery.
Athens Eye Hospital will continue to monitor and apply all the latest
and modern applications of technology. Even in these difficult times
we will not hesitate to offer our patients the maximum satisfaction
and the best possible outcomes.
Macular degeneration is a serious illness that affects the macula,
the area of the retina that is responsible for our central sharp
vision. Diseases of the macula may create serious problems in
Does the Athens Eye Hospital
invest in femtosecond laser
I have both cataracts and
macular degeneration.
What should I address first?