During cataract surgery, the cloudy lens is removed, and the capsular
bag is maintained to contain the artificial lens. The lens capsule has
two surfaces, the anterior and the posterior.
A large, circular, central
portion of the anteri-
or capsule is removed
during surgery (anterior
capsulorhexis), but the
posterior capsule is usu-
ally kept intact and may
be clouded by prolifera-
tion of cells, which have
remained in the bag after
This clouding of the
posterior lens capsule
(which is sometimes re-
ferred to as secondary
cataract) may be appar-
ent after a few months or
years after surgery. This is
called posterior capsule
opacification (PCO) in the
medical terminology, or
‘secondary cataract’ by
the patients.
The treatment for this is
application of special la-
ser (YAG laser).
In Athens Eye Hospital
we carry out both ante-
rior and posterior capsu-
lorhexis during cataract
surgery, eliminating the
likelihood of ‘secondary
cataracts’ occurring.
Does the cataract relapse?
Posterior capsule
can appear months or years after
cataract operation
(blue arrow)
Posterior capsulotomy with Yag-
A non invasive procedure as
an outpatient and performed in a few
minutes. (purple arrow)