Cataracts and the most up to date treatments - page 3

The main cause of cataract formation is age, and most people after
the age of 65 appear to have some form of opacity on their lens.
Diabetes and the lengthy use of steroids such as cortisone can speed
up the appearance of cataract.
Trauma or serious inflammation in some cases can lead to rapid
opacification of the affected eye.
People exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, or chronic
smokers, are at risk of premature cataract formation.
It is possible for cataracts to be seen at birth (congenital cataracts),
usually in conjunction with syndromes or metabolic diseases. Very
often the cause of congenital cataract is unknown.
The prominent symptom of cataract is a blurriness of vision which
cannot be corrected with the use of spectacles. There is a decrease
in visual acuity (the ability to see details), contrast sensitivity (the
ability to see in the shade, and distinguish light changes in luminance)
and color perception, as the crystalline lens loses its transparency.
In certain types of cataract the patient may complain of halos and
asteroid formations around light sources, which make vision difficult,
especially in the dark.
What are the symptoms of
cataract formation?
Are there any predisposing
factors for the emergence
of cataracts?
All cataracts are treated surgically by removing the lens and
installing an artificial one. Cataracts cannot be treated or prevented
conservatively with medication.
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