Age related macula degeneration - page 10

Microperimetry is an examination that requires the participation of the
patient. It lasts about 3 minutes for each eye and the patient has to
confirm with a press of a button that he/she saw a light.
The rationale is the same as with the visual fields test, with the only
difference being that only the small central area that corresponds to
the macula is tested.
In the new generation microperimetry that is used in Athens Eye Hos-
pital (MAIA™), it is combined with a state-of-the-art linear SLO laser
camera, to provide the ability to locate the affected area even before
the damage is visible.
In ARMD those potentials are affected and can reach total suppres-
sion in advanced stages of the disease.
Normal multifocal ERG
Pathological multifocal ERG in an
advanced atrophic, dry ARMD
Large atrophy
in the area of the macula
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