The symptoms at the initial stage of ARMD are very mild or
nonexistent. The safest and only way for early diagnosis of all
ophthalmic diseases is the yearly check up, especially after the age
of 40.
The examination of the posterior segment (the inside of the eye)
with special lenses may give vital information to the examiner for the
wellbeing of the eyes.
This is a new state of the art method of photographing the fundus,
where the retina is illuminated with a special laser and not with light
flash as in a normal camera.
The photographs have a vastly improved quality without reflections
and are of a greater diagnostic value. There is also the added benefit
of greater patient compliance, as he/she does not feel discomfort
from a sudden, strong light.
Diagnosis of ARMD
Confocal Scanning Laser
Ophthalmoscopy (cSLO)
Age Related Macular Degeneration, wet type (neovascularization):
A: Fundus photography with flash
B: Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (cSLO)