In 2014,
Induced Polidynamic Stem Cells (iPSC)
began its installation.
They can be generated by normal adult cells that are made capable
of accepting genetic modification, and so can be created individually
for every patient.
In this way, we will be able to take cells from the skin of a patient,
first transmutate them to polidynamic stem cells, and then to retinal
pigment epithelium cells. These cells, organized in thin leaves, are
finally ready for transplantation in the eye of the patient.
Horizontal and
vertical lines on
the chart are
continuous and
located at the
same distance
between them.
If you notice any
blurred, broken,
wavy or missing
lines, you should
contact your
as soon as
How to use Amsler Grid, each eye separately:
• If you use reading glasses, put them on
• Keep this page 30-40 cm away (reading distance)
• Cover one eye
• Focus on the black dot in the center of the grid
• Looking at the dot, notice if any of the adjacent lines are distorted, broken
or if there are any blurred areas.
Removal of the new vessels
Transplant of layer of RPE
from iPSC
Damage to the RPE
The new ultramodern department of
Athens Eye Hospital
accommodate a Human Eye Tissue Transplantation Bank as well as a
state-of-the-art laboratory for the cultivation of stem cells.
Our Hospital will continue to monitor and contribute in all the new
developments in Ophthalmology, offering every possible treatment
available to our patients.
Our perpetual goal is the maintenance and protection of the valuable
asset of sight.