The fast pace of modern lifestyle, stress, smoking, bad eating habits
and lack of exercise lead a to premature aging of the body, including
the eyes.
Quitting smoking, a balanced diet (including fish, fruit and vegetables)
and acquiring a healthier lifestyle, seems to contribute towards
prevention of ARMD as well as being beneficial generally to one’s
Confronting Age Related Macula
Acquiring a healthier lifestyle
Certain combination of vitamins, minerals and food supplements
seem to slow down ARMD progression. These supplements should
only be prescribed by a specialist ophthalmologist and not just over
the counter at any pharmacy.
Food Supplements
Even though ARMD is potentially a very serious disease, it does not
lead to total blindness. With the appropriate training a patient can
learn to utilize a healthy part of the macula for precision tasks such
as reading.
The MAIA™ Microperimetry, apart from being an excellent diagnostic
tool, can also help, with the aid of a program of only few teaching
tutorials, to a transition for a new “center of vision”.
Training a patient to best utilize
the vision that has remained
Low vision aids such as special glasses or magnifying lenses, as well
as the utilization of modern technology may help and accommodate
many patients with ARMD.
There is a special
Low Vision Aid and Restoration of Reading
department in Athens Eye Hospital. Specialist ophthalmologists,
optometrists and social workers strive in collaboration to aid patients
with ARMD, to maintain a quality of life as close to normal as possible.
Low Vision aids